The development of numerical models for simulating wave propagation in seismic regions has tremendously evolved in the past ten years.
SPEED is a certified and rigorous numerical software for the reliable prediction of near-fault ground motions and seismic response of strategic structures in complex three-dimensional scenarios. SPEED can be employed to establish collapse-prevention strategies for strategic structures located in the proximity of a fault.
SPEED is based on the Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral Element method, a non-conforming domain decomposition technique combining the flexibility of discontinuous Galerkin finite elements with the accuracy of spectral techniques. SPEED naturally allows a non uniform polynomial degree distribution (p-adaptivity), as well as a locally varying mesh size (h-adaptivity). Such a built-in flexibility is mandatory in complex two and three dimensional problems featuring multi-scale phenomena.
Research Projects
- Project POLIMI-swissnuclear: “Development of advanced physics-based numerical approaches for earthquake ground motion prediction” within the SIGMA 2 “Seismic Ground Motion Assessment” research program. Principal Investigator: R. Paolucci. Funded by swissnuclear, Switzerland. Period: May 2017 – May 2022. Grant: 250k Euro.
- GNCS: Metodi numerici avanzati per lo studio di problemi differenziali multifisica/multiscala alle derivate parziali. Principal Investigator: I. Mazzieri Funded by INdAM, Italy. Period: Feb 2018- Feb 2019. Amount: 4k Euro.
- GNCS: Modellazione numerica di fenomeni idro/geomeccanici per la simulazione di eventi sismici. Principal Investigator: L. Formaggia. Funded by INdAM, Italy. Period: Feb 2017-Feb 2018. Amount: 4k Euro.
- SIR PolyPDEs: Non-conforming polyhedral finite element methods for the approximation of partial differential equations. Principal Investigator: Paola F. Antonietti. Funded by MIUR Italy. Period: 2015-2018. Amount: 304k Euro.
PolyNuM: Polygonal methods for partial differential equations. Principal Investigator: Paola F. Antonietti. Funded by Fondazione Cariplo and Regione Lombardia, Italy. Period: 2015-2017. Amount: 190k Euro.
- GNCS: Nonstandard numerical methods for geophysics. Principal Investigator: Paola F. Antonietti. Funded by INdAM, Italy. Period: Feb 9, 2015- Feb 8, 2016. Amount: 3k Euro.
- MRPM II: Spectral Element Methods for earthquake simulations. Principal Investigators: Roberto Paolucci, Marco Stupazzini. Funded by Munich RE, Germany. Period: 2015-2017. Amount: 150k Euro.
- MRPM I: Spectral Element Methods for earthquake simulations. Principal Investigators: Roberto Paolucci, Marco Stupazzini. Funded by Munich RE, Germany. Period: 2012-2014. Amount: 150k Euro.
- DPC-RELUIS: Simulations of earthquakes: near-source effects – Special Project RS2- Funded by the Italian Department of Civil Protection (DPC) under the 2014-2018 DPC-RELUIS (Network of University Laboratories in Earthquake Engineering) agreement. Period: 2014-2015. Amount: XXXk Euro.
- SIGMA : Seismic Ground Motion Assessment – Seismic hazard evaluations in the Po Plain. Funded by EDF-ENEL- Period: 2012-2013. Amount: XXXk Euro.
HPC Projects
- ISCRA C EQK-NOR: 3D physics-based numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion in Norcia basin during the October 2016 seismic sequence in Central Italy. Principal Investigator: Chiara Smerzini. Funded by CINECA. Amount: 89,6k of core hours on Marconi cluster, CINECA, Italy. Period: November 2017 – August 2018.
- ISCRA B URBSHAKE: Enhanced seismic hazard assessment at URBan scale based on physics-based high-performance broadband ground SHAKing scEnarios. Principal Investigator: Chiara Smerzini. Funded by CINECA. Amount: 375k of core hours on Marconi cluster, CINECA, Italy. Period: July 2016 – July 2017.
- LISA project PBS-CHI: broadband Physics-Based earthquake Scenarios for enhanced probabilistic seismic hazard analysis at urban scale: application to the areas of Santiago, CHIle, and Beijing, CHIna. Principal Investigator: Chiara Smerzini. Funded by CINECA. Amount: 50k of core hours on Marconi cluster, CINECA, Italy. Period: July 2016 – July 2017.
- LISA project T-SPEED: Triangular SPectral Elements in Elastodynamics with Discontinuous Galerkin. Principal Investigator: Ilario Mazzieri. Funded by CINECA, Italy. Period: July 2016 – January 2017. Amount: 25k core hours on Marconi cluster, CINECA, Italy
- ISCRA B PBES4HAS: Physics-based earthquake scenarios for hazard assessment in densely urbanized areas. Principal Investigator: Ilario Mazzieri. Funded by CINECA, Italy. Period: May 15, 2015 – May 15, 2016. Amount: 6 millions of core hours on FERMI cluster, CINECA, Italy.
- PRACE A DNS4RISC: Deterministic Numerical ground motion Simulations for RIsk hazard in Santiago de Chile. Principal Investigator: Marco Stupazzini (Munich RE). Funded by PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe). Period: Sept. 3, 2013-Sept. 2, 2014. Amount: 40 millions of core hours on FERMI cluster, CINECA, Italy.
- PRACE 2IP-WP 9.3: porting and optimization of SPEED for Bluegene/Q architectures. Principal Investigator: Ilario Mazzieri. Funded by PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe). Period: 2013.
- LISA SISMA-URB: Ground shaking scenarios for advanced seismic hazard assessment analyses in urban areas by a high-performance computational code. Principal Investigator: Roberto Paolucci. Funded by CINECA and regione Lombardia, Italy. Period: May 1, 2013 – April 30, 2014. Amount: 5 millions of core hours on FERMI cluster, CINECA, Italy.
- ISCRA C MAGNITUD: Massively pArallel Numerical sImulaTions of mUlti-scale seismic events. Principal Investigator: Luca Formaggia. Funded by CINECA, Italy. Period: 2012 – 2013. Amount: 2 millions of core hours on FERMI cluster, CINECA, Italy.
- LISA SINIS: High-performance numerical simulations for the evaluation of seismic input in complex geomorphological conditions. Principal Investigator: Roberto Paolucci. Funded by CILEA and regione Lombardia, Italy. Period: Sept. 1, 2011 – Aug. 31, 2012. Amount: 400k of core hours on Lagrange cluster, CILEA, Italy.